What: Peace Corps Volunteer Teaching English
When: January 11, 2012 (arrival in Panama) - March 21, 2014 (close of service)
My Site:
I'm living for two years in Pesé, Herrera, Panamá! It's about 30 minutes outside of the capital of the Herrera province, Chitre. Herrera is in the Azuero Peninsula on the southern part of the country - see the green/yellow/little bit of orange peninsula in the map below. I'm excited about it! I'll be close-ish to about 15 other PCV's in the Azuero, which I'm really excited about.
Map of Herrera:
See Pesé just above the label "Herrera". Chitré is the capital.
My Work:
I'll be working as a Teaching English Volunteer which means that I'm supporting the English teachers in the schools in my town. There are 4 in the primary school and 7 in the secondary school, so I definitely have my work cut out for me! I won't be teaching my own classes, but working alongside the teachers to contribute new ideas for co-teaching, lesson planning, and managing the classroom. I'm still working out the details of my schedule, but I will be working with all of these teachers in some sort of a weekly rotation for the next two years. See my blog (the entries labelled with 'School') for more specific details!
Peace Corps Lingo
My Work:
I'll be working as a Teaching English Volunteer which means that I'm supporting the English teachers in the schools in my town. There are 4 in the primary school and 7 in the secondary school, so I definitely have my work cut out for me! I won't be teaching my own classes, but working alongside the teachers to contribute new ideas for co-teaching, lesson planning, and managing the classroom. I'm still working out the details of my schedule, but I will be working with all of these teachers in some sort of a weekly rotation for the next two years. See my blog (the entries labelled with 'School') for more specific details!
Peace Corps Lingo
PC – Peace Corps
PC/P – Peace Corps/Panama
PCV – Peace Corps Volunteer
PCT – Peace Corps Trainee (what I am until I swear in in March)
APCD – Associate Peace Corps Director (basically the head of each program)
CD – Country Director
TE – Teaching English – my project
CEC – Community and Environmental Conservation – the other program in Group 70
PCMO – Peace Corps Medical Officer – who I call if I have a health issue
LPI – Language Proficiency Interview (to determine whether I am fluent enough to stay here)