Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I'm back! And resolved to actually update...

Hello friends & family –

I know it has been waaaaayyy too long since I have updated by blog. I got super busy, then it just fell off of my to-do list because it seemed too hard to catch up. BUT as I have just over 6 months left in Panama, I am making a resolution to update my blog at least twice a month. We’ll see how this goes ;)

So, to take you back a little bit, the last time I updated was November, which is the Mes de Patria here in Panama. That means that there are national celebrations just about every weekend (see list of dates in previous post) is a holiday with (a) day(s) off of school and/or work and just general revelry all the time. Awesome, but it makes school pretty pointless.

But I got to experience some awesome Panamanian traditions such as wearing a pollera (typical dress), marching in the parades, and seeing all of the different traditions associated with these holidays.

Here are a few pictures:
Me & my host mom, Bruni

Me & my counterpart, César.

Panamanian embroidered shirt, decked out with traditional jewelry, lots of make-up, and tembleques in my hair!

Then men tried to climb a greased-down pole to get the cash prize at the top.

In a pollera! This is actually a vasquiña (a solid-colored skirt), but it is still considered part of the typical dress of Panama.

Then with a hat towards the end of the parade.

Girls marching.

My tembleques!
Then, of course, after we finished celebrating all of the Panamanian holidays, then came Thanksgiving! Almost all PCVs in Panama head up to the mountains of Chiriqui, close to Costa Rica, for two days to celebrate together, have some cool(er) weather, and enjoy a Thanksgiving meal reminiscent of home, if not exactly the same.

Gorgeous hike in the misty, lush rainforest.
Prepping the salad!

Mashed potatoes and mac & cheese :)
After Thanksgiving, since I was on that side of the country, I decided to hop up to Bocas del Toro! It was a fun trip, though it wasn’t the best time of year to go –it was pouring rain almost the whole time…

Adorable Ngobe girl near the cacao farm

Drying cacao beans.

Fresh cacao.

Our guide's daughter-in-law cooking the cacao beans.

Grinding them to make chocolate!

Jackie & me on Wizard Beach.

The beach was cool - and this is what we looked like after the hike back.

Banana-land. Chiquita boat.
Bridge from Panamá to Costa Rica.

December brought the end of school and then a two-week trip home! It was wonderful to be home for the holidays and seen as many friends and family as I could.

First thing I ate when I got home. Caprese salad. SO delicious.
Delicious home-cooked meal... Things I missed: good steak, asparagus, good mashed potatoes, fresh salad, and good rolls!

Panthers game with family and almost-family.
Happy New Years! Celebrating with life-long friends :)

Somewhere in there, I did work a little bit. I have continued working with my teachers at school – for the end of this past year, in the high school – and Miranda and I gave 4 different workshops for our teachers on different teaching methodologies, techniques, and activities.

Next post will start the new year!

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